Session B7


Wednesday, 10:20 - 12:40, ECCR 1B51

Session Chair:  Mary Boyce

10:20 L.J. Gibson, “The structure and mechanics of cellular materials in nature”

10:40 K. Grosh and N.V. Deo, “Mechanics of cochlear outer hair cells and stereocilia”

H. D. Espinosa and F. Barthelat, “The mechanical performance of nacre from seashells -microstructural features leading to superior toughness”

11:20 C. Kearney, Z. Zhao, B. J. F. Bruet, R. Radovitzky, M. C. Boyce, and C. Ortiz, “Nanoscale anisotropic plastic deformation in single crystal aragonite”

11:40 M. J. Buehler, “Integrating mechanics and chemistry: plasticity and fracture of protein-based materials”

12:00 M. C. Boyce, H.J. Qi, C. Ortiz, and M. Arslan, “Mechanics of the finite deformation behavior of biomacromolecular networks”

12:20 S.C. Calve, H. Narayanan, K. Garikipati, K. Grosh, and E.M. Arruda , “Viscoelastic and growth mechanics in engineered and native soft tissue”