Session S10a
Thursday 3:20 - 5:20, ECCR 200

Session Chair:  Luis Dorfman

3:20 R. Bustamante, L. Dorfmann, and R.W. Ogden, “Nonlinear magnetoelastic materials”

3:40 K. Dayal and K. Battacharya, “Kinetics of phase boundaries in the peridynamic formulation of continuum mechanics”

4:00 R. Segev and G. DeBotton, “Stress optimization for structures”

4:20 R. Paynter and D. A. Hills, “A Somigliana ring dislocation with a radial dislocation - effects of path cut and application to half space axisymmetric analyses”

4:40 E. Shmoylova S. Potapenko and L. Rothenburg, “Weak solutions to the boundary value problems of plane Cosserat elasticity”

5:00 S. Potapenko, “Stationary oscillation problems in a linear theory of anti-plane elasticity with microstructure”

Session S10b
Friday 10:20 - 12:00, ECCR 200

Session Chair:  Luis Dorfman

10:20 G. Roy, “Continuum model of a Newtonian system of interacting particles following a Lie group flow”

10:40 J.Q. Tarn and H.H. Chang, “A state-space approach for anisotropic elasticity with time relaxation”

11:00 W.D. Thacker, C.E. Grosch, and T.B. Gatski, “Rapid distortion theory analysis of time-dependent homogeneous shear”

11:20 M. Eskandari-Ghadi, “Surface time domain axisymmetric wave in transversely isotropic medium”

11:40 M. Eskandari-Ghadi and E. Shabani, “Fundamental solutions for wave equations of a three joined transversely isotropic full-space”