Aspen, CO in 1978
Aspen, CO in 1979
Fishing in Aspen
Fort Collins duplex
Rawah Wilderness
Living in Ft Collins
Ski Touring and Downhill
Lonna visits Fort Collins
nineth anniversary hike
Jake and Susan visit
Neota Flats Wilderness
Backpacking with Carol
Rawah Wilderness
Brad and Alexi vist
Montgomery Pass ski tour
May 1989 Lookout Mountain
Mt Zirkel Wilderness, 10th anniversary
1037 7th St. Berthoud house
American Lakes ski tour
Lonna and Steve's family
1990 Flattops Anniversary hike
Comanche Peak hike
Mom's visit, Katie's birthday
Ski tour 1991
Mt Dunraven hike
Hike with Brad near Aspen
Comanche Peak Sep 1991
Flat Tops August 1992
Sue's PhD graduation
14th anniversary hike
Collegiate Peak hike
Snowshoe trip
Boulder townhouse
around Boulder
Rocky Mountain National Park
Carol visits Aspen
Brad and Marcie visit
Great Sand Dunes Nat. Mon.
Troublesome and RMNP
Jake and Rodeo
S. San Juans hike with Dad
Indian Peaks ski tour
Brad and Marcie's wedding
visiting Kathy and Glen
Kathy and Peter visit Mom
skiing and Cherokee Park hike
Lonna and Steve's family
Powerhorn 1996 anniversary hike
Linda and Bob visit
Mom in Aspen
Jake's visit
Eagle's Nest Wilderness
Recumbent Bicycle
Lost Creek Wilderness 1997 anniversary
Lonna's visit
Pete's memorial
Bread Machine
Dotsero hike with Kiroo
Mt Zirkel hike with Dad
West Elk Wilderness
Dayhikes with Warren Wiscombe
Flattops hike with Dad
Around Boulder
Kinetics Sculpture Race
Gore Range hike
new digital camera!
around Boulder at high water
Boulder skies
fall colors in Boulder
Jake's visit
flowers and geese
Lost Creek, 20th anniversary hike
Mount Zirkel hike
University of Colorado
around Boulder
visiting Mom in Aspen
recumbent cyclists
around Boulder