East Bellows Creek
20220612 091835 20220612 103234 20220615 110607
20220615 111801 20220615 114931 20220615 120830
20220615 120833 20220615 124350 20220615 124454
20220615 160125 20220615 160138 20220615 160336
20220615 160342 20220615 162220 20220615 194305
20220616 074316 20220616 074341 20220616 085719
GPS Position 37 deg 51' 9.54" N 106 deg 45' 31.97" W
20220616 101456 20220616 133730 20220616 140658
20220616 140751 20220617 084306 20220617 084341
20220617 084402 20220617 084414 20220617 091850
20220617 092033 20220617 094720 20220617 094727
20220617 095142 20220617 095150 20220617 111354
Created with the tool album generator from Marginal Hacks by David on Fri Sep 30 08:00:35 2022