USNCTAM'06 Abstract Submittal

We will be pleased to receive your presentation proposal in the form of an abstract, submitted in accordance with the instructions below.

Submittal Procedure

  • Abstracts should be submitted by e-mail as attached Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
  • If the abstract is contributed to a MiniSymposium, it should be e-mailed to the MiniSymposium organizer, with a copy to, on or before January 15, 2006. Contributions not submitted directly to a MiniSymposium should be e-mailed to
  • Notification of acceptance or declination will be e-mailed to the corresponding author on or before March 15, 2006.

  • A multiple-authored abstract must identify a corresponding author as specified below. The corresponding author need not be the presenter. Each Congress participant is limited to one presentation.
  • Abstract Formatting

    Two example abstracts are provided. Here is a source in Plain TeX and its output PDF file. Here is a source in LaTeX and its output PDF file. Note that the title is in one line in the former but on two lines in the latter. Both forms are acceptable.

  • The abstract must fit on one 8.5" x 11.5" page, with all-around one-inch margins, and no page number. Abstracts exceeding one page will be truncated to the first page.
  • Use 11-point Times Roman for the main text. Avoid use of nonstandard fonts, as those may cause printing problems. (If using LaTeX, the command \usepackage{times} loads the Times font family.)
  • Do not indent the first paragraph of the abstract text. Subsequent paragraphs should be indented by 18 points (1/4" or 6 mm). Do not leave space between succesive paragraphs. A paragraph following a displayed equation should not be indented.
  • Leave 11-point vertical blank space after title, author name(s), affiliation table, abstract body, and references. See examples.
  • The title should be centered, in capital Times Bold letters of 14-point size. It should not extend over more than two lines. Avoid Greek letters or equations in the title, as this may cause indexing problems.
  • The affiliations of all authors should be organized in tabular form, as illustrated in the examples. One author must be identified as the corresponding author. This is done by entering the contact e-mail address under the affiliation. In the examples the first author has been designated as corresponding author. Single-authored contributions should supply the e-mail address of the sole author, who will be considered the corresponding author.
  • If the abstract contains equations, whether in-lined or displayed, be sure to download the math fonts to the PDF file.
  • References and keywords may be set in 10-point Times Roman size. They should not be indented. For the references please follow the style of the examples.
  • At the end of the abstract supply at least one keyword, but not more than three, for use in indexing the proceedings. Keywords beyond the third one will be ignored. Note: word groupings, such as "fluid-structure interaction" will count as three keywords and will be indexed under the letter f.
  • Figures are strongly discouraged, as they may cause printing problems.
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